What an affectionate little Critter ours is!
Every morning as we wave goodbye to the troupes through the kitchen window, Bonus Baby and I share a little ritual of her making. First we rub foreheads, then noses, chins, cheeks (she tried to rub eyeballs too, but we modified that to butterfly kisses), and sometimes even ears and elbows. We seal the whole thing with a kiss.
I'm not the only one who enjoys snuggling with her. Husband and the other Critters get a healthy portion of cuddle time too. No one misses their daily hug quota with Bonus Baby around.
Her affection isn't limited to us either. The other day she squeezed the furnace guy around the knees ("I love you, neighbor!"), blew kisses to the grocery store check-out clerk, and each Sunday shakes hands with, high-fives, or hugs the rest of the congregation as they go up for communion. She is the vicarious B.B. of all my middle-aged friends, and if you are lucky enough to have white hair, you are automatically one of her favorite people - a fact that warms the cockles of many a geriatric heart.
The other day Third Child asked Bonus Baby what to do if someone is mad at you. She was just venting and didn't expect an answer, but with typical innocent wisdom B.B. replied -
"Give what?"
"Give them love."
(kinda get'cha right here, doesn't it?)
...and sometimes a real Night-full!...
(Bonus Baby has recently entered the phase of nighttime wakefulness. While this has helped with accidents and midnight laundry, it has added dark circles under the eyes of her parents. All of the other Critters went through it, so we know that this too shall pass --- let's just hope it passes quickly! Meanwhile, fears of spiders and the dark accompanied by requests of "Can I be with you? - it's crazy in my room!" are easily dealt with, and sleep deprivation a small price to pay.)
...but never...
("I'm sorry I got in the way, Fudgie... do you forgive me?")
Once upon a time, our family was seemingly complete, but we had a Bonus Baby shaped hole we never even realized existed. Our littlest Critter fills it perfectly. Despite the fact that she claims she "isn't a hero", we think she's super!
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