Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tacky, Not Techie

I am not, nor will I ever be technologically savvy. 

The Critters and Hubby are.

But I am, and ever shall be, a fan of the good old fashioned way of doing things, especially when it involves crayons, pen and paper, scissors, tape and/or glue.  I love it when my budding artists/writers bring home their doodles and projects from school, eager for my appraisal.  I love posting things on my wall --- my Critter Art Wall, that is--- which is covered top to bottom with layers of creativity.

Most people have at least one or two juvenile artworks magnetised to their refrigerator. I have far too many Critters for that. Here it takes an entire wall and then some, and mind you, I do take down and replace items now and again.  (There is an overflowing file cabinet in the basement attesting to that fact.) It's not hidden away for our eyes only either.  Our art wall is the first thing you see when you enter the house.  Visitors who comment on the  display are proudly conducted thru the developing years of the artists by this collection's loving curator.

I had plans to make the house barren before Lent, strip the walls clean, eliminate all clutter - HA!  As usual, time wins in every race against it. But looking at the art wall today, I was really glad.  Part of my Lenten experience this year is not only striving to become the person God intends me to be, but more fully recognising the special-ness of each and every person.

Beginning right here at home.

So, while some people post scores of pictures on cyber walls, I'll keep on tacking up memories one masterpiece at a time.

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